Utility and Elegance: Liliya Milpetrova's Multifunctional Ring

A Silver Goblet Ring: A Statement in Jewellery and Tableware

Liliya Milpetrova's multifunctional ring, a conceptual silver goblet, is a unique blend of utility and jewellery, designed to make a statement both on the body and the table. This piece, a testament to the Slow Fashion Theory, is a stylish and sustainable response to planned obsolescence.

Designed to stand against the sustainability issue of planned obsolescence, Milpetrova's multifunctional ring is a testament to the Slow Fashion Theory of Prof. Fletcher. The design, which is a blend of usefulness, wearability, and beauty, is intended to last, offering a timeless and fashionable solution to the problem of disposable culture. The ring, a conceptual silver goblet, can be used both as a statement jewellery piece and a tableware product, offering a unique symbiosis between utility and jewellery.

The ring was made from silver-plated bronze, with the hemisphere of the goblet spun and polished, and the ring and handle made using investment casting from a handmade wax model. The finished product is a piece of jewellery that carries a sense of consistency when touched. Its technical specifications include a width of 125mm, depth of 60mm, and height of 82mm, with a weight of 60 grams.

As a conceptual hybrid between a statement ring and a tableware product, the ring can add a touch of sparkle to its wearer or be used in pairs for love rituals such as engagements and weddings. The design, which began in September 2015 at the London College of Fashion and was completed in November the same year, was inspired by research into different aspects of sustainable development and ecology.

One of the main challenges in creating the ring was determining the optimal weight for the piece. It needed to be heavy enough to stay firmly on the table, but not so heavy that it would be uncomfortable to wear. The result is a piece that is not only aesthetically pleasing and practical, but also serves as a provocateur of subtle emotional reactions.

This design was awarded Silver in the A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award in 2016, a testament to its remarkable design and innovation. The award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Liliya Milpetrova
Image Credits: #1: Photographer Liliya Milpetrova, Sense of Utility, 2015 #2: Photographer Liliya Milpetrova, Sense of Utility, 2015 #3: Photographer Liliya Milpetrova, Sense of Utility, 2015 #4: Photographer Liliya Milpetrova, Sense of Utility, 2015 #5: Photographer Liliya Milpetrova, Sense of Utility, 2015
Project Team Members: Liliya Milpetrova
Project Name: Sense of Utility
Project Client: Liliya Milpetrova

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